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6. Schedules of College Meetings, 1971 Sep.-January 1973

 File — Box: 5

Scope and Contents

From the Collection: The presidential papers of Katharine R. Sturgis span 1925 to 1986; the bulk of the collection dates from 1970 to 1974. The papers reflect the activities of the College during Sturgis's presidential term; included are records of committee meetings, lectureship administration, donations and bequests, and amendments to ordinances and by-laws. Also present is a series of correspondence with the legal counsel of the College.

Series 1, spanning 1925 to 1974, includes records of donations and bequests made to the College. Present is correspondence with the S. Weir Mitchell Associates, lists of the journals they selected, and financial statements. Also contained in Series 1 is correspondence with donors who contributed chairs for the Samuel D, Gross Library or donated to a fund in memory of David A. Cooper.

Included in Series 2 are records of amendments to the ordinances and by-laws of the College. Also present are Sturgis's own copies of the 1959 and 1972 Ordinances and ByLaws, heavily marked with her holograph notes.

Correspondence with legal counsel, spanning 1935 to 1976, is present in Series 3. Included are letters from Joseph Carson, Eric A. McCouch, and Richard K. Stevens, all of whom represented the College in legal matters over the years. Topics discussed in the correspondence include investments, trust funds, insurance, and the status of the College as a tax-exempt, non-profit institution.

Series 4 provides information on lectureships and lectureship administration. Present is correspondence with lecturers, announcements, and historical notes. Transcripts of lectures delivered by Gonzalo E. Aponte, Bruno Bettelheim, Sidney Cohen, Donald B, Effler, Frank R. Ervin, Richard J. Herrnstein, Paul Katin, Hugh L'Etang, Donald M. Small, Stephen P. Strickland are included. The lectureship administration records contain schedules of lectures, financial statements, and membership lists of lecture committees.

Records of various College committees, including the Committee on Bequests, the Greater Philadelphia Committee for Medical-Pharmaceutical Sciences, the Bicentennial Committee, the Committee on Planning, the Search Committee, and the Development Committee, are contained in Series 5. Of note in the records of the Bicentennial Committee are the transcripts of two "Bicentennial Lectures" Rene J, Dubas and Paul R. Ehrlich and other material relating to the activities of the committee as it prepared for the 1976 Bicentennial in Philadelphia. Also of note are the records of the Search Committee; documented in these records is the College's 1972 search for a new executive director. Vice President John P. Hubbard is a significant correspondent.

Series 6 contains miscellaneous material, including correspondence on the 1974 re-establishment of the Section on General Medicine (which had been discontinued in 1966), correspondence pertaining to the lease of the Erlanger Garage (which was owned by the College), schedules of College meetings and events, and miscellaneous printed materials.


  • 1971 Sep.-January 1973


From the Collection: 2.0 Linear feet (5 document boxes)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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