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6. June 1980

 File — Box: 4

Scope and Contents

From the Collection: The collection contains George P, Rosemond's chronological file, 1978-1980, from his tenure as President of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. The bulk of the file contains incoming and copies of outgoing letters as well as copies of letters sent by William F. Chaveas, Executive Director of the College.

The bulk of the correspondence concerns appointments to committees; acknowledgements of gifts and contributions, · particularly to the College Library's salvage fund for water-damaged books; the Thomas Dent Mutter Trust; the development of the Francis Clark Wood Institute for the History of Medicine and the College's Board of Advisors; the establishment of the Kenneth Appel Memorial Lectureship and the M, Louise Carpenter Gloeckner Memorial Trust; and fundraising efforts and grant proposals. Most.items contain notations on appropriate subject files where other copies of the correspondence are housed.

In addition to correspondence, the collection also includes internal College memoranda and minutes of Council, the Budget and Finance, Fellowship, Francis Clark Wood Institute Advisory, Library, Mutter Museum and College Collections, Planning and Development, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, and Women's committees, the Mid-Eastern Regional Medical Library Service (MERMLS) Board of Governance, and temporary or ad hoc committees, and reports of the College Sections.


  • 1978 - 1980


From the Collection: 1.6 Linear feet (4 document boxes)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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