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George H. Simmons, Frank F. Simpsons, E. H. Siter, J. M. Smiley, George B. Smith, Marion Smith, William G. Spiller, William P. Spratling, Squire Sanders and Dempsey, Myles Standish, Thomas F. Staley, E. E. Staples, Alfred Stengel, H. E. Stevens, Reuel Stewart, Stiller, 1905-1906, 1908-1909, 1916-1917

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 6

Scope and Contents note

From the Collection: The George Edmunds de Schweinitz papers collection consists of two collections and documents portions of de Schweinitz’s professional medical career, largely from 1901 to 1918. Included in the collection is correspondence, essays, written addresses, reports, and case and surgery notes. The collection contains three series: “Correspondence,” “Writings,” and “Medical Practice Material.” Researchers interested in George Edmund de Schweinitz’s career, or ophthalmology practice in the early twentieth century will find significant material in this collection.

The first “Correspondence” series contains letters primarily concerning ophthalmology topics and patient cases. Correspondents with whom de Schweinitiz exchanged numerous letters include Albert E. Bulson, Samuel G. Dixon, Samuel Ely Eliot, Henry Copley Greene, William R. S. Henry, Ida B. Hiltz, Edward Jackson, Francis Park Lewis, Howard Mellor, Elizabeth Monie, George H. Simmons, and Thomas Woodruff. The letters are arranged alphabetically by the correspondent’s last name, and then chronologically within that name. There are several letters from “unidentified senders” located at the end of the series. The series dates from 1903 to 1912, 1915 to 1918, 1921, 1933, and undated.

The “Writings” series contains written addresses, essays, articles, pamphlets, and reports largely written by George Edmund de Schweinitz. Many of the writings are unidentified, though they are likely written by de Schweinitz. In cases where the writer was clearly identified, it is noted in the folder title. Essays and articles represent the bulk of material in the series. These writings concern ophthalmological issues. Many of the writings include titles, in which case those titles appear in quotations on the folder. In cases where the writing is untitled, the folder is labeled without quotations. There series is arranged alphabetically by writing format, and dates from 1904 to 1906, 1911 to 1915, and undated.

The “Medical Practice Material” series contains medical case notes, surgical operation notes, and a report on ophthalmological clinics held at Jefferson Medical College. The case notes include three large volumes of ophthalmology cases seen by de Schweinitz between 1904 and 1919. The series is arranged alphabetically by folder title, and dates from 1899 to 1900, 1904 to 1919, and undated. The second "Correspondence" series is a small collection of letters, mostly written by G. E. de Schweinitz, with a few miscellaneous items, 1896-1932. Notable items are letters to James Tyson, 1905 and 1908, on ophthalmology; and Charles Perry Fisher, 1911-1922, on the Library of The College Physicians of Philadlephia and gifts presented to the College by de Schweinitz. Also included is an undated chart which outlines the term of service for an itern at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.


  • 1905-1906, 1908-1909, 1916-1917


From the Collection: 1.68 Linear feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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