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Series V. Executive Director Search, 2002


Scope and Contents note

The “Executive Director Search” series documents the College of Physicians’ search for an executive director following the resignation of Marc Micozzi. The selected candidate was Mark Hochberg. The records, which date 2002, include the minutes, agendas, memos, and correspondence related to the search for the executive director. The records also include information about numerous search firms utilized in the search for an executive director; as well as curriculum vitas and correspondence with particular candidates and the College of Physicians. The records of the candidates are restricted. Researchers should contact the librarian for more information regarding access.


  • 2002

Conditions Governing Access note

This series is restricted because of the date of the series' content.


From the Collection: 41.0 Linear feet (112 containers)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English


Repository Details

Part of the Historical Medical Library of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia Repository

19 S. 22nd Street
Philadelphia PA 19103 United States