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Ronald Boyer (CD-R), 2007

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 10

Scope and Contents

From the Series: The Records of the Section on Medical History IV span the years 2005 to 2013, and consist of correspondence, Executive Committee minutes, lecture flyers and programs, and speaker information, including CD-Rs of recorded lectures sponsored by the Section. Unlike earlier collections of Section records, this collection is not organized under the Clerk’s or Chair’s names, but by the type of material and chronology. As of 2019, Section records are kept in the College’s Executive Office records, rather than by individual Section members. This practice seems to have started around 2005 or 2006.

Researchers should note that the Library may not have the required hardware to playback the recorded lectures at this time.

Series I: Correspondence is a small file, dating to 2007, and concerned with administrative topics, such as speakers confirming, dates of Executive Committee meetings, and drafts of meeting minutes.

Series II: Executive Committee spans the years 2006 to 2012, and contains a small amount of correspondence regrading committee meetings. It also holds minutes – in draft and final forms – for nearly all the committee meetings held between 2006 and 2012.

Series III: Programs makes up the majority of this collection, and includes flyers and programs for Section lectures from 2005 to 2013, as well as some speaker correspondence. This series is organized chronologically, with each lecture given its own folder, which is titled by the speaker’s name. Of special note are the CD-Rs of lecture recordings, found in many of the folders. Those lectures with recordings have folders marked with “(CD-R)”.

Researchers should note that the Library may not have the required hardware to play back the recorded lectures at this time.


  • 2007


From the Series: .6 Linear feet (1 document box, 1 half document box)

Language of Materials

From the Series: English

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